Interview of the Month – Kim Arnold

Kenneth Arnold and daughter Kim Arnold“It is my impression that everyone, no matter what part they play in this existence that seems to go on into infinity, has a special purpose or a special task or a special reason for being what they are and for doing things they do.”
The Coming of the Saucers by Kenneth Arnold / Raymond Palmer

We all know that June 24th, 1947 was an important date in the history of this discipline we now call Ufology, the study of UFOs. It is obvious from Kenneth Arnold’s own words and those of his third youngest of four daughters, Kim Arnold, that Arnold had a sense of destiny about his sighting of nine disks traveling at over one thousand miles an hour in an echelon formation between Mount Rainier and Mount Adams in Washington State.  Being a pilot and a credible witness, Arnold is however most famous for coining the term “flying Saucer,” a word that has inserted itself in our working vocabulary of the study of unidentified flying objects in general. His description of the objects to newsmen in Pendleton, Oregon in 1947 was that “they flew like a saucer would if you skipped it across water.” Somehow, he believed in this destiny, that he was in the right place at the right time.

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Interview of the Month – Insider Charles Hall and the Tall Whites

Paola Harris interviews Marie and Charles Hall

1. What evidence that there are Extraterrestrials interacting with Humans on this planet?

In addition to my own personal experiences, the best evidence that I have consists of the verbal reports given to me during the 1965 to 1968 time frame by the other men who served with me in the USAF. I, myself, do not have any physical evidence, photographs, logbooks, anything printed or written reports. However, over the years, I have seen several pictures and highly reliable reports published in books by other authors that showed and reported on the tall whites. The pictures also showed one of the tall white’s scout craft. One of the most interesting reports was published by Alan J. Hyneck of project Blue Book fame. He reported having chemically analyzed material that was reported to have fallen out from the bottom of a UFO. In his report, published back in the late 1960’s, (not sure of the exact date of publication ) he stated that its chemical composition was similar to the composition of slag taken from an aluminum furnace that had been heated to approximately 1100 degrees F (I am doing this from memory and believe that I have the proper temperature).

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Interview with Micro-biologist Dr. Dan Burisch

From My book, How Does One Speak To A Ball Of Light?

Interview with Dan Burisch

It is no secret that the late Colonel Philip Corso thought that the beings from Roswell were a gift from the future. He said that the bodies contained “surveillance microchips “that reported back to the creators and he added that Pentagon was questioning who these creators were? Were they people like us? In his interview in this book, he sadly says that the alien body was the greatest gift, the most amazing discovery because it could travel in space and sustain itself with electro-magnetism.

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The New Times Report Interviews Paola Harris

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INTERVIEW: Amicizia Case – Gaspare De Lama from the Italian Friendship Case

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Contact at Giant Rock – Paola Harris Interview with Robert Short

Video with Robert Short PART ONE

Video with Robert Short PART TWO

Video with Robert Short PART THREE

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Impressive flying record captured by Antonio Urzi!

I have known Antonio Urzi and Simona for almost 15 years and his Movies are real and valid!

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INTERVIEW – Dr. John Mack

Dr. John Mack
Establishing a NEW WORLD VIEW

John Mack and Paola Harris

June 26th, 2004  Dr John Mack in Vermont

Paola: Thank you John for accepting the invitation by the very young group of GAUS students ( Gruppo Academico Ufologico Scandici) to speak in Florence. Can you give us an overview of your career and your struggles in this arena. Can you give us your perspective of the abduction phenomena?

Dr. Mack; Sure I can give an overview of the “so called abduction phenomena and lead into questions of how do we know or what are the ways of knowing when we are dealing with something this strange . I  can also will discuss the implications of this and phenomena like this for our world. I am a psychiatrist and psychoanalyst and I have a special interest in extraordinary experience.

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