A 2-Hour Interactive Master Class with Two World-Renowned Researchers
Sunday, October 6, 6pm MST / 8pm EST, $30
Limited to 40 attendees
“Consciousness is the glue of the universe. Consciousness is the component that connects all UFO contact.”
After eight years of meticulous research, Dr. Lynne Kitei shared stunning data and personal interviews in The Phoenix Lights Documentary, an in-depth examination of the strange lights seen over Phoenix and throughout Arizona on March 13, 1997. But there is much more to the story!
Accounts by ordinary citizen eyewitnesses, military eyewitnesses, former Phoenix Vice Mayor, university-based scientists, experts in the field, PLUS astounding NASA footage confirm the reality of these mysterious global visitations and a spectacular August 30, 2006 sighting.
Now she and Paola Harris present this incredible data and discuss the wider implications of the worldwide enigmatic phenomena of mass sightings.
There will be time for questions and answers at the end. Join us for a lively discussion!
Limited to 40 participants. Register today!