It takes a village! A beautiful meditation for world peace with CE5 in Arizona with Paola Harris, Demi Lovato and Dr. Steven Greer! Yes we can!

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Great News! Paola’s Audio Book UFO’s, All The Above…and Beyond is now available for purchase!

Haven’t had the time to sit down and read the latest UFO inquiries, well Paola has the perfect solution for you! UFO’s, All the Above and Beyond an updated and expanded edition is now in a downloadable format as an Audiobook. The benefits of listening to a book being read to you are numerous, they improve time management. You get an interesting and lively experience of the story and audiobooks build Critical Listening skills.

Click HERE to purchase your copy today.
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Be the first to REGISTER for Exopolitics courses this Fall 2024 semester!

Click HERE to register for our upcoming classes.

This video gives a short overview of the six courses that start on 2 September 2024 at the Exopolitics Institute. Video content: Courses in the Fall 2024 semester Disclosure may be around the corner. Are you ready? These courses will help prepare you. They are the result of decades of research. They start on 2 September 2024. Six courses are on offer. Exo101. Introduction to Exopolitics. The first course is the ‘Introduction to Exopolitics’ course. It is the foundation of the other courses. The course consists of three parts. In part 1, we look at the available evidence for an extraterrestrial presence. We validate the content of the evidence and assess the reliability of its sources. In part 2, we analyze observed patterns of extraterrestrial behavior. Four different types can be discerned. In part 3, we look at how governments have responded to this knowledge. Exo103. Best Evidence: Expert Witness Testimony In this course, expert witnesses share their experiences and insights in interviews that are not available elsewhere. Paola Harris presents disclosure interviews from “top level” people who discuss their personal involvement in the UFO Phenomenon. These people are mostly military, intelligence and ex- NASA personnel. Exo107. The Science, Politics, and Spirituality of Extraterrestrial Civilizations This is a more speculative course. It explores the technological and spiritual evolutionary paths of ET civilizations, and how this translates in their politics. Exo108. The Role of Hollywood & the Media in Disclosure This course discusses how Hollywood and the media have been preparing us for disclosure. The class will examine films, current TV shows, Sci Fi and print media in the advancing disclosure process. Exo109. Messages from Space: Past & Present Contact This course looks at the contact phenomenon, starting in the 1950s until today. It starts with the early days of contact and the messages given to early contactees. Then the course will shift to present day human alien contacts in both Italy and Latin America. Exo111. Introduction to Xenomethodology This course aims to build a framework for xenological and exopolitical studies. A first part of this course focuses on core concepts like truth, knowledge, methodology, etc. A second part of the course deals with logic, conditions, quantifiers, fallacies, and biases. A third part looks at existing methodologies and analyzes what could be useful for xenological and exopolitical studies.


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Breaking NEWS! Harvard scientists claim that Popocatépetl Volcano is a portal for extraterrestrial ships!

Harvard scientists claim that Popocatépetl  vulcano is a portal for extraterrestrial ships.
#AlRojoVivo Aseguran científicos de Harvard que el Popocatépetl es un portal de naves extraterrestres!
Click image or HERE to watch this exciting video in its entirety.
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BREAKING NEWS: Journalists Paola Harris & Mr. Watsu USA/Japanese discuss disclosure in Japan’s latest announcement…Stay Tuned!

Chris Mellon’s Article addressing the esteemed Members of the Japanese Parliament for establishing a caucus dedicated to UAPs.

Inaugural Address to the Japanese UAP Caucus

June 5th, 2024

Esteemed Members of the Japanese Parliament,

I want to first of all express my profound respect and admiration for the remarkable step you have taken by establishing a caucus dedicated to Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena, commonly known as ‘UAP.’ This initiative marks an important and admirable commitment to transparency, national security, and scientific inquiry. 

For decades, the phenomena we now refer to as UAP has captured the imagination and sparked the curiosity of individuals around the globe, notwithstanding efforts by many to belittle the issue. These UAP occurrences have been the subject of countless discussions, investigations, and speculations. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration quite rightly referred to UAP as “One of the great mysteries of all time.”  

As elected officials, I know it takes political courage to confront the stigma that has for far too long surrounded this UAP issue. Thankfully, the Japanese and American people are both fortunate to have legislators willing to put national security and science ahead of narrow political considerations. 

If there was ever any doubt, we now know UAP is a global issue, one that transcends national borders and demands international cooperation. As we seek to understand UAP it is best to work together, pooling our resources and expertise for the sake of both national security and scientific progress, as we have done in so many other areas. Collaborative efforts will enable us to address potential threats more effectively and perhaps uncover truths that lie beyond our current understanding.

We also know that from a national security standpoint the importance of identifying and monitoring unmanned aerial systems cannot be overstated. The immense impact of unmanned vehicles in the ongoing conflict in Ukraine is on display daily in Ukraine. By staying vigilant and informed, we can enhance national security and leverage these technologies for positive outcomes.

As you launch this new caucus, I would like to share some observations from my own experiences that I hope will underscore the importance of the work you are undertaking. 

Observations and Lessons Learned 

Notwithstanding the sophistication and advancement of human science and technology, the survival of modern nation states is still a fundamentally Darwinian process. The key to survival remains successfully adapting to changes in the world around us. This is more challenging than ever because the world around us is changing at an unprecedented and accelerating rate. 

It is therefore both ironic and unfortunate that one of the notable attributes of modern bureaucracies, especially government bureaucracies, is their lack of transparency and instinctive resistance to change – unless of course that change involves an expansion of their authority or resources. This is why it is more important than ever for legislators in modern democracies to vigorously monitor and challenge the policies, priorities, and budgets of government agencies, especially those entrusted with national security responsibilities. This is not micromanagement; it is akin to an effective Board of Directors focusing on strategy and requirements. 

I learned this important lesson early in my career while working for Senator William S. Cohen on the Senate Armed Services and Intelligence Committees. I was stunned to repeatedly see desperately needed reforms fiercely opposed by the Department of Defense, the military services, the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS), and often even the White House. I’ll provide some examples to help illustrate this point.

A major problem facing the US Department of Defense after WWII was the excessive independence of the military services. This produced wasteful inter-service rivalries and a dangerous inability to properly equip and train forces for joint operations. President Eisenhower proposed changes in 1957 to fix this by enhancing the authorities of the combatant commanders and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. However, these proposals were defeated in Congress after military leaders leaked false claims that the proposed changes would undermine civilian control of the military.

America continued to struggle with integrating its military forces effectively, evident in failed operations like the Iranian hostage rescue mission and the Beirut Marine barracks bombing. Then in the Grenada operation we learned Army and Navy radios were not interoperable and that Special Operations Forces (SOF) were not properly integrated into the operation and suffered excessive casualties as a result. These systemic problems stemmed from an inability to properly train and equip forces for effective joint operations.  

While staffing Senator William S. Cohen, I was astounded by the fierce resistance of DoD and the Joint Chiefs to the eminently sensible and important reforms proposed by Senators Nunn and Goldwater. Thankfully, a veto-proof majority in Congress passed this critical legislation in 1986. The benefits can be seen by the stark contrast between the mix-ups and disasters of the operations in Iran, Beirut, and Grenada versus the stunning display of synchronized joint force displayed by the US and its allies during Desert Storm.

This was the only first instance of resistance to badly needed reforms that I saw during my stint working for Senate Armed Services and Intelligence Committees. 

  • I also saw the Air Force strongly resist investment in drones and unmanned aircraft, which as we can plainly see today in Ukraine are absolutely fundamental to modern combat operations. We are fortunate Congress directed the establishment of a new organization, the Defense Airborne Reconnaissance Office to ensure proper leadership and funding for the development of drones and large unmanned vehicles.
  • I staffed a bill of Senator Cohen’s to establish the US Special Operations Command, and of course that was also implacably opposed by the Pentagon despite the merits. Once again, Congress took action and US Special Operations Capabilities are far better as a result.
  • As the budget monitor for the National Security Agency (NSA) at the Senate Intelligence Committee in the 1990s, I found the senior managers unwilling to redeploy resources from existing programs to begin adapting to the explosive growth of the internet.  Again, it was Congress that initially took action to rectify this shortcoming.  
  • I saw the Air Force repeatedly reprogram funds earmarked by Congress to purchase desperately needed airlift for Special Operations Forces (SOF), because the Air Force preferred to use those funds to add to their existing inventory of 550 F-16s rather than support the mission of another service. 
  • Sometimes, as was the case with the Special Operations Command, there was even resistance after Congress had passed legislation requiring change. In the case of the Special Operations Command, resistance to implementation was so fierce Congress had to pass supplemental legislation the following year.

None of these critical problems would have been addressed had it not been for vigorous oversight by members of Congress. Today there is widespread acknowledgment at the Pentagon that these changes were for the better. I could provide many more examples, but hopefully these are sufficient to underscore why it is so important today for members of the legislatures in democratic nations to be assertive in their role as the nation’s Board of Directors. Too often, left to their own devices, these bureaucracies will fail to adapt to changing threats and requirements. In that regard, I am pleased to report that earlier today the Senate Intelligence introduced new language to strengthen UAP oversight in its annual authorization bill. That seems an auspicious development for the inaugural meeting of this new caucus. 

The UAP issue in the US followed this familiar pattern. I spent months working with Pentagon official Lue Elizondo trying to get senior DoD officials to engage on the USP issue, but it soon became clear nothing would change without Congressional interest and direction. Thankfully, after we arranged for Navy aviators to share their first-hand UAP experiences with Congress, the issue gained traction on Capitol Hill. One of the Senators briefed by Navy aviators was Bill Nelson, who afterwards became Director of NASA. I’m confident these briefings are the reason he became the first NASA Director to recognize the legitimacy of UAP.

Following these briefings, I recommended Congress seek a report on UAP incidents from DoD and the Intelligence Community. Although the Air Force claimed it didn’t have any pertinent reports prior to 2020, the report still identified 144 military UAP encounters since 2004. In doing so, the report validated the reality of UAP and stimulated further congressional inquiry, eventually leading to the establishment of a new organization, the All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office  (AARO) dedicated to compiling, analyzing and investigating UAP reports. Now that members of Congress are actively engaged, and UAP reporting guidance implemented, we are seeing an explosion of UAP reports. From 2004-2021 less than 10 UAP reports per year were being received. Now, hundreds of military UAP reports are being received each year. It will be fascinating to watch this process in the years ahead to see what lessons are learned and discoveries made.


What I have tried to illustrate today is the vital role of elected officials in advancing national security. Due to the unprecedented rate at which the security environment is changing, it has never been more important for national legislators to vigorously examine, and when appropriate, challenge the status quo. As these examples demonstrate, left to their own devices, our vital but massive security organizations will often fail to reveal important information or implement critical reforms. Were it not for action by Congress, the public would still have no idea how many near mid-air collisions with UAP have occurred, how often UAP are being reported, or the frequency and extent of UAP reports. UAP today would still be violating military airspace with impunity; pilots and radar operators would still fear reporting these events; and there would be no office to receive and analyze UAP data or develop new collection strategies. This is why I feel so strongly about the importance of what you are doing and why I welcomed this opportunity to applaud and encourage your efforts. 

The establishment of the UAP Caucus exemplifies Japan’s commitment to progress, innovation, and the advancement of human understanding. It confronts the unknown with an open mind and a critical eye. The potential national security and scientific ramifications are profound and of inestimable importance. 

In conclusion, I applaud the intellectual integrity you are demonstrating by placing science and national security above outdated stigmas. Congratulations to all the members of this distinguished caucus for your visionary leadership. May your efforts yield fruitful discoveries and pave the way for a future where knowledge and curiosity, rather than fear, guide our progress.

Arigatou gozaimasu

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Enjoy Paola’s interview with Mr. Ohashi and Introducing the Water Harp, Japan!

Paola Harris introduces the Water Harp. a high frequency water fountain.

Click HERE to watch entire video.

Paola Harris Interviews Mr. Toshio Ohashi, creator of the Water Harp, a high frequency water fountain. Click HERE to watch entire video.

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REVISED version of Trinity: The Best-Kept Secret, coming soon!

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A note from Yasunao Chinen, Paola’s interpreter in Japan & a fun photo gallery!

From, Yasunao Chinen to Paola Leopizzi Harris
“You are a beacon of hope in this time of need for the truth.”
“Saturday, April 27th, Greg received ETI-related interpreting for the first time in 2 years. This time I will be giving a lecture by Paola Leopizzi Harris, who has a career as an investigative journalist for over 30 years and has published more than 6 cover books. Paola, who was responsible for multiple investigation retrievals of extraterrestrial organisms and spacecraft crashes with Mr. Jacques Vallee who is the co-author of their book together called: Trinity.

While I was unsure about what would come out of the mouth of a woman who has a tremendous amount of information and intelligence, I came to Japan and prepared to count on the original book translated into Japanese and the present materials I received two days ago.

When the lecture begins, the rest of the premonition that I speak slowly disappeared, and my friend who speaks with overflowing passion becomes longer, so I desperately took notes and mobilize the knowledge of the translation and translation I had previously been in charge of. But at the end of a 3 hour lecture, the beginning of a 3 hour talk is to mistake South America with South Africa for a simple word twice and finally correct it for the third time.

Her story of passion inspired me and made me love this field. I was impressed by the words “The time has come to read secondary sources of information (books) and make decisions for yourself, rather than online and cable TV shows. “I was a very careful and down to earth person to say “I’m not a rock star.” She recommended me her self written “All of the above and beyond” so I think I’ll read it. If there are publishers who want to translate in Japanese, let me know!”

Click on the above link to download the slide show

Thank you Japan!

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