Cynthia Sue Larson talks about Connecting The Dots, Making Sense of the UFO Phenomena

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Mar 3, 2024 #UAP #reality #consciousness – With world governments holding public and closed door hearings to discuss UFO and UAP disclosure recently, what have we learned? At this time of congressional hearings publicly discussing the topic of UFOs or UAPs, it seems clear that this topic is being taken seriously, yet there exists a greater need than ever before for clarity, discernment, and focus regarding what, exactly, we are acknowledging to be real and true. Author Paola Leopizzi Harris has been conducting interviews and writing articles on books on this topic for decades, talking with some of the most authoritative and knowledgeable experts. After witnessing some amazing artifacts and technologies, Harris notes that perhaps even more important than any such physical evidence or proof are the transformative ideas that have been shared. 

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This isn’t entertainment! The Cosmic Hoax (Japanese CC)

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Lecture and Seminar Commemorating Paola Harris’ Visit to Japan in Osaka and Tokyo

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Breaking News: Paola Harris to Discuss The Amicizia Friendship Case in New YouTube Video – StarworksUSA

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Breaking News: Paola Harris to Discuss The Amicizia Friendship Case in New YouTube Video

With the death of Gaspare De Lama, the last witness of the incredible events in Pescara, Italy during the 1950s-1970s, it is important to discuss The Amicizia “Friendship” Case that Paola covered in 2013.

The Amicizia Friendship Case

Beginning in 1956, some 200 people from all walks of life in Europe had extensive interactions with a group of very human-looking aliens. They included politicians, university professors, engineers, journalists, students, and housewives. The level of contact varied from one–time encounters to deep involvement lasting over 40 years. 

The people involved were taken on board multiple UFOs and also shown alien bases on Earth. These people were of high social and cultural importance. Their stories changed past assumptions of why interaction between humans and extraterrestrial civilizations exists.

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Doorway to Oneness Talk, Connecting the Dots of the UFO Phenomenon with Yoshiko & Julien Chameroy

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From Kyoto Japan Greg Sullivan & J Seti Interview Paola Harris

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Listen to the interview on YouTube by clicking above link or HERE.

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New Book Release & Big News, Paola’s World Tour begins this April 2024 in JAPAN, Reserve your spot today!

This classic UFO book, Connecting the Dots, Making Sense of the UFO Phenomena has been translated in many languages including Spanish, Japanese and Chinese! This book includes interviews with 25 prominent people in the Ufology field. A book, worthy of any libraries reference section. Paola emphasizes the importance of examination, experience and curiosities behind her thorough investigative reporting within the field of UFO’s.

Tickets Available HERE

New Book Release! Click HERE to purchase your copy today!

“Paola Harris is truly the Barbara Walters of UFOlogy. She has traveled the world, frequently putting her life in danger, to obtain first-person interviews with people who have studied, examined and experienced UFOs. This book is a treat for the scientist, as well as the curious reader who wants to know the truth about UFOs.” – Russell Targ, physicist, co-founder of Stanford Research Institute’s remote viewing program, and author of Third Eye Spies: Learning Remote Viewing From the Masters

“I have known Paola Harris for almost twenty years. She has been my favorite investigative reporter at the purest level in the UFO field. She is a natural-born journalist, whose instinct and courage follow a case from the beginning to the end of each investigation. Page by page of this book, you will find the integrity and the passion, the dedication and the style that made Paola Harris famous all over the world. I am proud and privileged to be her colleague and friend.” – Maurizio Baiata, International Investigative Journalist/UFO Researcher, editor of X-Times magazine (Italy)

“The peoples of China herald the investigative journalism of Paola Harris. Her work is regarded as an important window of disclosure for Asia. Connecting the Dots: Making Sense of the UFO Phenomenapromises to expand the Exopolitical horizons even further, exposing the unseen world to mankind.” – Neil Gould, Dip. Exopolitics, founder of Exopolitics Hong Kong (China), author of Close Encounters of the ADHD Kind

Paola Harris had never seen a UFO or remembered any strange occurrences in her childhood, however, when she viewed Spielberg’s Close Encounters of the Third Kind in 1978, it triggered an emotional response.

Her intellectual curiosity was piqued and a new mission was forged. While teaching science fiction in a Colorado high school, she became even more fascinated with the mystery of UFO phenomena. She made a list of ten people she would like to meet and began to notice the serendipitous events that happened to bring these people to her for interviews.

Now, over 35 years later, she has become an internationally renowned journalist who has met many researchers and experiencers of the UFO phenomena. In Connecting the Dots, she includes informative personal interviews with the world’s most authoritative searchers for extraterrestrial intelligence.

You will learn about Col. Philip Corso’s encounter with ETs, hear from NASA about the objects that observe the space shuttle, and see how the Vatican is preparing us for ET contact. Connecting the Dots demonstrates that everything in the universe is interconnected and that “we are not now, nor have we ever been alone” in the cosmos.

Click HERE to purchase your copy today!

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