The Testimony of Luigi Muscas on his property near Cagliari, Sardinia on 11/11/2012
Luigi told me about the tombs and artifacts of giants (15 foot tall beings) who lived in Sardinia thousands of years ago. He told me that his father and his uncles, who also own land near his land, have dug up many bones and human artifacts. He also mentioned that traditional archeology does not accept this discovery and that his entire family has been threatened. He has been told over and over to keep this secret and NOT talk to the general public. His has written two books on the GIANTS, one called The Giants, Children of the Stars and The Giants and the Culture from the Stars, which has many photographs. He says
“The people who come to my house to heard about the star people, they want a certainty, the proof that this is not a fantasy but the truth. This Reality is hidden, buried until it was discovered and been sold, occulted, destroyed without respect for our Sardinian history. I am hoping we can keep this story safe until we can deal with it with extreme care because it also is the story of all humanity.”
To talk about the Giants stimulates much curiosity but also much skepticism. It is true that is difficult to even imagine another reality different from the one we know. But as of 1997, our Italian media has slowly started to speak about it in their broadcasts. In Sardinia, we began to see this reality in our broadcasts 2003. It is a fact that in all the world enormous bones have been discovered. In Mexico, Athens, Africa and other countries we see the photos.
Some of us in Sardinia believe that our constructions called Nuraghi are the very tombs of these “giants”. But this has not yet been recognized as official.
- Paola Harris holds fossilized Giant’s tooth.
- Luigi Muscas holds giant tooth.
- Luigi Muscas holds giant jawbone
- Luigi Muscas shows Paola Harris giant tooth.
Watch Paola’s interview with Luigi Muscas (in Italiano)
Stefano Farigu, like Italian Contactee, Antonio Urzi films Ufos quite often from his home near Cagliari, Sardenia
– Paola Harris